Drop Off Locations
The following locations are available for dropping off aluminum cans for Cans for Kids.Nassau-West
New Providence Community Center Recycling Depot, Blake Road, Phone: (242) 327-1660
Sandyport Gas Station, Phone: (242) 327-6533
WasteNot Ltd. (at the Harold Rd. landfill), Phone: (242) 361-7510
Ardastra Gardens - Chippingham, Phone: (242) 323-5806
Bahamas Humane Society, Phone: (242) 323-5138
Atlantis Marina (between the two P.I. bridges), Phone: (242) 363-6068
Bahamas National Trust - The Retreat on Village Road, Phone: (242) 393-1317
Suggestions for East Nassau locations are welcome!
Saint Andrew's School, Yamacraw Road, Phone: (242) 324-2621
St. Annes School, Fox Hill, Phone: (242) 324-1203
Samuel Guy Pinder All Age School, Spanish Wells, Phone: (242) 333-4052
Central Eleuthera High School, Palmetto Point, Phone: (242) 332-1248
Tarpum Bay Library, Phone: (242) 334-4693
One Eleuthera Foundation, Rock Sound, Phone: (242) 334-4700
The Island School, Cape Eleuthera, Phone: (242) 334-8551
Post Farm, Phone: (242) 558-4695
Stafford Creek Lodge, Phone: (242) 368-6050
Behring Point Primary School, Phone: (242) 368-4063
Cat Island
Cat Island United, Gaitors, Phone: (242) 359-9623
Hope Town Zero Waste Foundation, Email: htzerowaste@gmail.com